July 05, 2005


Knitting Bliss

Fabulous weather, gorgeous panoramas, family and no work...it doesn't get much better than this! Well, perhaps if you can combine all of this with knitting, which I've been able to do the past two days. We're in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, having a wonderful time. Yesterday, we spent the day at the outdoor pool here in the timeshare complex. Today, we went to Dolly Parton's water fun park and had a blast. My skin is a bit toasted and I'm tired but happy. I was able to get in a few hours of knitting on my Studio sweater both days and here's my progress so far:

The balcony of our apartment is in full sun in the afternoon and so the picture doesn't do the colors justice at all. What an interesting construction method! The lower triangle is knitted first. Then the long piece and the second triangle are knitted at the same time. Finally, the two sections are joined and you continue to work across both sections, which become the front and shoulder of the sweater. It's fun to see it all come together but this section requires 160 rows of tiny knitting. At least I'm changing colors regularly so my progress is visible. I think if I set this project aside, it will be hard to get excited about picking it up again.

Tomorrow we're going into The Great Smokey Mountains National Park. It's a beautiful drive that twists and turns almost 30 miles through the mountains. On the other side is Cherokee, North Carolina, where we plan to visit the cultural museum and go horseback riding. I don't expect to get to knit much but it will be a nice day.

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