June 10, 2005


Debbie Bliss Entrelac Sweater

I did mention that I have a short attention span, didn't I? I was at a knitting group where one of the members was working on a entrelac sweater. I fell in love with the pattern, which is in the Debbie Bliss Noro 2 book. The sweater is made from Noro Kureyon, which is a beautiful, hand-dyed, 100% wool yarn from Japan. Here's a picture of the sweater from the book:

I saw the sweater in progress over a month's time. Even though I have so many projects in progress, I couldn't resist starting this project. I began to search on the web for the "right" colorway of Noro Kureyon. There are so many to choose from but I finally settled on #139:

I've never knit entrelac before and had some trouble trying to begin from the written directions. I looked on the web to try to find a tutorial to help me but none of them started from the very beginning triangles with pictures. My friend Paula happened to be working on an entrelac vest and she was able to help me get over the hump. I've decided that when I start the front of the sweater I'll take pictures as I go and create my own tutorial. This is not a pattern for someone who wants a quick and easy project but as you create each rectangle, you get a sense of satisfaction. It is fun and easy to do once you get the hang of it. Here's my progress to date:

A close-up:

Oh Mona, it looks beautiful! I'm about to finish mine but am completely confused about how to join the shoulders. How did you join the front & back shoulders? I'm thoroughly perplexed. Please email me at suezq@maqs.net with the Subject: Entrelac Sweater!


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