June 17, 2005


Debbie Bliss Entrelac Sweater, part 2

I'm really enjoying entrelac knitting on my Debbie Bliss sweater from her Noro 2 book. With every rectangle, I feel a sense of accomplishment and it's so fun to watch the colors unfold. I've now gotten so comfortable with the method that this knitting is now truly mindless for me. I need to watch what I'm doing but don't need to think about the pattern at all. As a result, I was able to take this with me to a local SnB and work on it during several long teleconferences at work. I also got a few hours in over the weekend. I can't just chug away at this project for very long, though, because my thumb and elbow begin to get sore. Here's my progress:

I can't really tell any more which rows are knitted forward and which are knitted backwards. That's progress!

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