September 07, 2005


Major Milestone!

I've reached a major milestone in my Debbie Bliss Entrelac Sweater. Well, almost. According to the way the pattern is written, the back is now complete.

The back construction stops here. Then, the front is made in exactly the same fashion except a short scoop is made at the neckline. The last row of front rectangles point in one direction and the back rectangles point in the other. You then interlock the rectangles and sew them together, leaving an opening for the neck. However, I don't think I'm going to like the way the back neckline will lay like this. So, I'm going to rip back a row of blocks, add a closing triangle along the back neck edge and then knit another row of blocks. This will create a 3/4-inch scoop for the back neck. Although, I just had a thought. Since the front and back are interlocked, you won't be able to see a seam. So, if I made the front one row of blocks longer than the back, this will push the back down, effectively creating a lowered neck. Hah! I love these flashes (they're few and far between so I need to savor the moment). Am I right?

Beautiful colors for this sweater. I love them. I can't wait to see the finished item, I know it will be beautiful. You've got some great projects on the needles too.
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